Fixed an issue where a hang occurs when exiting. Fixed: Execution error when extracting some compressed APP files. Changed the icon of the Preferences tab. Fixed comment input to be wrapped with enter when compressing. Fixed the location of the checksum window and added a function to copy the result. Fixed: Slow operation in the background state. Fixed: auto-password error on some 7z files. Fixed an issue where the password had to be re-entered when viewing a password-protected file with the built-in image viewer. Changed the default option for Unicode file names to NFD. Availability of ZIP & RAR format archive comment. Supported formats: 7Z, ACE, AES, ALZ, ARJ, BH, BIN, BR, BZ, BZ2, CAB, Compound(MSI), DEB, EGG, GZ, IMG, ISO, ISZ, LHA, LZ, LZH, LZMA, PMA, RAR, RAR5, SFX(EXE), TAR, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, TLZ, TXZ, UDF, WIM, XPI, XZ, Z, ZIP, ZIPX and ZPAQ, ZST. Multi-volume archive creation of ZIP/7z format. Unicode or MBCS filename for ZIP format. Supports compression of 4 GB or more size file. Up to 6 times faster compression than the Finder using multi-core. MAC BANDIZIP ZIP FILE
ZIP file modification (add/delete/rename).Extraction for 30+ formats, including: RAR/RAR5/7Z/ZIP.All-inclusive compression/decompression/browsing/editing App.
Bandzip is a light and efficient file zipper that lets you reduce the. Bandizip is a powerful archiver for macOS users with a variety of convenient features - All-in-One Archiver for your Mac. One of the best options to zip or unzip files.